Vice President of Russian State University of Transport Visits BJTU
Published in: 2023-08-28 Click on the quantity:
On the afternoon of August 25, 2023, Vice President YAN Xuedong met with Vice President Sergei Alexander Potapov of Russian State University of Transport at Si Yuan Building.

YAN Xuedong extended a warm welcome to the Vice President of State University of Transport during the visit. He provided a brief overview of our university's historical development, talent cultivation, key disciplines, international collaborations, and contributions to national rail transportation projects. He emphasized the long-standing cooperation between our institutions, highlighting the collaborative initiatives within the Sino-Russian High-Speed Rail Research Center and the Zhan Tianyou College. Through these partnerships, we have conducted various activities, including talent development and joint research projects. Yan Xuedong expressed his hope that our universities will further strengthen our cooperation by enhancing student and faculty exchanges. He also encouraged both institutions to leverage their respective strengths and unique features to contribute to the development of transportation sectors in both countries.
Deputy Vice President Sergei Alexander Potapov expressed his gratitude for the warm reception at our university and conveyed his appreciation for our institution's achievements in talent development, scientific research, and its contribution to the development of the national rail transportation industry. He noted that this visit has deepened his understanding of our university and our collaborative efforts.He expressed his hope that, based on this foundation, both sides would continue to expand the scope of cooperation, enhance personnel exchanges, and jointly propel our collaboration to new heights.

After the meeting, Vice President Sergei Alexander Potapov met with Russian State University of Transport's international students who are currently studying at our university. He also visited the International Student Service Center and the international student dormitories.
Officials from our Office of International Affairs and the College of International Education accompanied him during this meeting and visit.