The 4th Joint Management Committee Meeting for Lancaster University College at Beijing Jiaotong University was held in BJTU
Published in: 2019-11-25 Click on the quantity:

On 14th November, the 4th Joint Management Committee Meeting was held in BJTU, with the attendance of President WANG Jiaqiong, Vice President GUAN Zhongliang, Vice President LIU Jun as the committee members from BJTU, Pro Vice Chancellor Simon Guy, Academic Dean David Higgitt, Tom Buckley as committee members from Lancaster University. Vice Chancellor Steve Bradley, Judith Mottram participated remotely.

At the outset, WANG Jiaqiong extended warm welcome to the Lancaster delegation and showed his appreciation to the achievements of Lancaster University College at Beijing Jiaotong University. He believes, with the joint efforts of BJTU and Lancaster University, student education quality and research collaboration will be highly promoted. He takes this as a great opportunity to build the Lancaster University College at Beijing Jiaotong University into a brand project under the close cooperation of the two universities.

LIU Jun hosted the meeting and reported the changes of Committee Members, results of MOE evaluation, construction of gym and activity center, financial budget, quality of the first graduations, etc.
Steve Bradley stated that Lancaster University attaches great importance to the development of the Lancaster University College at Beijing Jiaotong University and shall send more teaching faculty members to China to enhance the quality and level of student education. He hoped the cooperation will be deepened through international students enrollment as well as joint research.

Simon Guy argued that the fruitful results of the Lancaster University College at Beijing Jiaotong University are attributed to the joint collaboration of the two universities and it’s very glad to see that the 4th Joint Management Committee Meeting was a complete success.

Senior representatives from Office of Academic Affairs and Office of International Affairs attended the meeting.