Deputy Rector of Riga Technical University Visited BJTU
Published in: 2017-03-28 Click on the quantity:

On March 24th,2017, Vice President CHEN Feng met with Igors Tipans, Deputy Rector of Riga Technical University(RTU), Latvia.
CHEN Feng extended his welcome to Igors Tipans on behalf of the University. He introduced the history and internationalization development of the University. RTU would be the first Latvian university establishing partnership with BJTU, he said, and the two universities shared similarities in teaching and research, discipline settings and internationalization. He expected to conduct programs in student and faculty exchange, and joint research, so as to strengthen mutual understanding and collaboration.
Igors Tipans pointed out RTU attached great importance to cooperation between the two parties, and introduced the University in terms of history, disciplines, teaching and research, etc.. He expected to conduct tangible cooperation in a broad area.
Principals from the Office of International Affairs attended the meeting.