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Word of the Week

Sea-crossing high-speed railway

Published in: 2022-09-19    Click on the quantity:


Word of the Week---sea-crossing high-speed railway


福厦高铁(Fuzhou-Xiamen High-speed Railway)正线全长277公里,为八纵八横”(eight vertical and eight horizontal)高速铁路主通道沿海通道(coastal channel)的组成部分,设计时速(design spped)350公里,是我国第一条真正意义上的海洋服役环境高铁(marine-service environment high-speed rail),也是世界行车速度最高的跨海铁路(sea-crossing railway)2022317日,中国首条跨海高铁——新建福(州)厦(门)铁路正式进入铺轨施工阶段。830日上午,随着最后一组500米长钢轨(steel rail)顺利铺设,我国首条跨海高铁——新建福(州)厦(门)铁路全线铺轨贯通。福厦高铁在跨海大桥(cross-sea bridge)技术上的突破,不仅仅是将350公里时速高铁技术从陆地搬到了海上,也不仅仅是铁路桥从江到海的跨越,更代表我国铁路桥质的飞跃,对于未来发展有着重要的推动作用。



Track-laying work on the country's first sea-crossing high-speed railway was completed on Tuesday morning in east China's Fujian Province.The 277-km railway links Fuzhou, the provincial capital, with Xiamen, a port city. With a designed speed of 350 km per hour and eight stations along the route, it is expected to slash the travel time between the two cities to just one hour.


钢轨铺设Track-laying work

海洋水文环境 marine hydrological environment

交通强国 a country with great transport strength

中欧班列 China Railway Express

干线铁路 Main Line Railway

宽轨铁路 Broad Gauge Railway

大秦重载铁路 Datong-Qinhuangdao Heavy-haul Railway

青藏高原铁路 Qinghai-Tibet plateau railway

市郊铁路 Suburban Railway

复线修建 Double-track Construction

城市轨道交通 Urban Rail Transit

高铁走出去” “Going-global” of High-speed Railway

智能交通系统 Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)

