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Word of the Week

Asia-Europe Meeting

Published in: 2021-12-30    Click on the quantity:


Word of the Week---Asia-Europe Meeting


亚欧会议(Asia-Europe Meeting,简称ASEM)开始于1996年,是亚洲和欧洲间重要的跨区域、政府间论坛,旨在通过政治对话、经济合作和社会文化交流,增进了解,加强互信,推动建立亚欧新型、全面伙伴关系。亚欧会议机制包括首脑会议、外长会议以及其他部长级会议等。


Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), started in 1996, is an important inter-regional and inter-governmental forum between Asia and Europe, aiming at enhancing mutual understanding, strengthening mutual trust and promoting the establishment of a new and comprehensive Asia-Europe partnership through political dialogue, economic cooperation and social and cultural exchanges. The ASEM mechanism includes summit meeting, foreign ministers' meeting and other ministerial meetings.

The ASEM Summit is responsible for determining the guiding principles and development direction of the Asia-Europe Meeting, which is held alternately in Asia and Europe every other year. On November 25th, 2021, the 13th Asia-Europe Summit was held by video link. Leaders from 53 member countries and heads of international organizations attended the meeting. Premier Li Keqiang attended the summit and delivered a speech.



Speech at the 13th ASEM Summit by Premier, Li Keqiang (Excerpt)


This year marks the 25th anniversary of ASEM. The past 25 years have witnessed the steady expansion in ASEM membership, continued increase in political mutual trust, and sustained deepening of exchanges and cooperation. The development of an Asia-Europe partnership has entered a new era. The theme of this Summit “Strengthening Multilateralism for Shared Growth” is thus highly relevant.


Upholding multilateralism is the right choice for maintaining world peace and stability. Promoting peace and development is our shared mission of the times. We need to safeguard the international system with the United Nations at its core, the international order underpinned by international law, and the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.


    Pursuing green development is the future direction for sustaining economic growth. In boosting a post-pandemic recovery, countries need to seek a win-win of both economic development and ecological conservation, and advance development and a green and low-carbon transition in a mutually reinforcing way.


Upholding mutual benefit is an important safeguard for advancing connectivity between Asia and Europe. Connectivity has been a priority and highlight of Asia-Europe cooperation. Take the China-Europe Railway Express running across the Eurasian continent as an example. Both the number of its services and cargo traffic volume in the first ten months of this year have surpassed those of the whole year of 2020. This has contributed to the stable and smooth functioning of international industrial and supply chains, and delivered greater benefits to people along the lines.


Maintaining exchanges and mutual learning is an important way in bringing together the hearts and minds of people in Asia and Europe. Through exchanges, civilizations become more colorful; and amid mutual learning, they grow and progress. We need to strengthen exchanges in education, culture, tourism, sports and between think tanks and media organizations, and develop an all-dimensional, deep-going and multi-channel cooperation framework, to enhance the affinity between our peoples.



global perspective, historical mission, international responsibility


International affairs handled by all countries through consultation


China-Europe Railway Express


Asia-Europe Foundation


“hardware connectivity” in infrastructure and “software connectivity” in institutions and rules








