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Word of the Week

Hot words of the Founding of the Communist Party of China

Published in: 2021-06-29    Click on the quantity:





在迎来中国共产党建党100周年之际,中央编译出版社权威发布了建党100周年中英双语热词,规范了部分党史词汇的权威翻译,从多语言角度讲述好中国故事。 今天节选其中部分单词供大家收藏学习。


1. Founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC)


The convening of the CPC’s First National Congress marked its formal founding, which was a groundbreaking event in Chinese history. Ever since it was founded, the CPC has upheld Marxism as its guide to action and has always taken the pursuit of happiness for the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as its original aspiration and founding mission. After it was founded, the CPC brought a new look to the Chinese revolution.


2. “Down with the imperialist powers! Down with the warlords!”


“Down with the imperialist powers! Down with the warlords!” was the iconic slogan of the National Revolution during the first period of KMT-CPC cooperation. “Down with the imperialist powers” means to oppose the imperialist invasion of China and to bring about the independence and liberation of China. “Down with the warlords” means to overthrow the rule of the feudal warlords, mainly the Northern Warlords, and to establish a democratic government. In the National Revolution, the KMT and the CPC led the workers’ and peasants ’ movements and launched the Northern Expeditionary War, dealing a fatal blow to imperialists and the Northern Warlords.


3. Nanchang Uprising南昌起义

The failure of the National Revolution made the CPC realize that “political power comes from the barrel of a gun.” On August 1, 1927, the armed forces under the Party’s leadership and influence fired the first shot of armed resistance against the KMT reactionaries in Nanchang. The Nanchang Uprising set up a banner of revolutionary armed struggle in front of the entire Party and the whole country, and marked the glorious starting point for the Party to create a new type of people’s military.


4. Jinggang Mountains Revolutionary Base井冈山革命根据地

The Jinggang Mountains Revolutionary Base was the first rural revolutionary base created under the leadership of CPC after the defeat of the Great Revolution. In October 1927, Mao Zedong led the troops of the Autumn Harvest Uprising to the Jinggang Mountains at the middle section of the Luoxiao Mountains and established a rural revolutionary base there under the leadership of the Party. The creation and struggle of the Jinggang Mountains Revolutionary Base set the Chinese revolution on the correct course.


5. Overthrow the local despots and distribute land


Overthrowing the local despots and distributing land was the core of the Agrarian Revolution carried out by the people under the Party’s leadership rural revolutionary bases. It means to abolish the feudal system of land ownership by landlords and institute the land policy of land to the tiller. The Agrarian Revolution overthrew the feudal land ownership system that had existed for thousands of years and enabled the poor peasants to share the land. This gave the Chinese revolution the broadest possible popular support.


6. Long March长征

The Long March was a strategic shift of the Party and the Red Army from the bases north and south of the Yangtze River to the revolutionary bases in the northwest after the failure of the Fifth Counter-Campaign against Encirclement and Suppression. The victory of the Red Army’s Long March was the key to making the Chinese revolution secure. During the Long March, the Party and the Red Army sowed the seeds of revolution far and wide. The great Long March Spirit became a powerful motivation for the Communists and the people’s military to continue to move forward.


7. Zunyi Meeting遵义会议

The Zunyi Meeting was an extremely important meeting held during the Long March. It put an end to the rule of Wang Ming’s “Left” dogmatism in the Party Central Committee. It established Mao Zedong’s leadership of the Party Central Committee and the Red Army. This saved the Party, the Red Army and the Chinese revolution at an extremely critical moment, marking a life-or-death turning point in the history of the Party and the beginning of the political maturity of the CPC.


8. Seek truth from facts “实事求是

Seeking truth from facts is the fundamental view point of Marxism, and the basic way of thinking, work and leadership of the CPC. In May 1941, when Mao Zedong gave a report entitled “Reform Our Study” at a meeting of officials in Yan’an, he elaborated for the first time the meaning of seeking truth from facts: “‘Facts’ are all the things that exist objectively, ‘truth’ means their internal relations, that is, the laws governing them, and ‘seek’ means to study.” Since then, seeking truth from facts has become the Party’s long-held guiding principle.


9. Serve the people wholeheartedly “全心全意为人民服务

Serving the people wholeheartedly is the fundamental purpose that the CPC always adheres to. In September 1944, Mao Zedong delivered a speech entitled “Serve the People” when attending a memorial meeting for Zhang Side, in which he initially elaborated the idea of serving the people. In April 1945, Mao Zedong further discussed the idea of serving the people wholeheartedly at the Seventh National Party Congress. The Party Constitution adopted at the Seventh National Party Congress formally included serving the people wholeheartedly in its General Program, making it the fundamental purpose that the Party must adhere to.


10. “two imperatives”“两个务必

The “two imperatives” were the fundamental demands made by Mao Zedong to all Party members at the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Party Central Committee, in the face of the imminent victory of the War of Liberation and the imminent assumption of national power by the Party. The “two imperatives” refer to that, “The comrades must be taught to remain modest, prudent and free from arrogance and rashness in their style of work. The comrades must be taught to preserve the style of plain living and hard struggle.” The “two imperatives” not only served as a warning to the whole Party at that time, but also serve as a guide even now.


