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Word of the Week

The China-EU CAI

Published in: 2021-01-08    Click on the quantity:


Word of the Week--- the China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI)


新年前夕,历经735轮谈判的中欧投资协定终于宣布完成谈判。中欧双方领导人通过视频进行了会晤,并共同宣布谈判如期完成。中欧全面投资协定(the China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment, CAI)旨在构建中欧双边投资制度安排。


欧盟正式发布的媒体通告《中欧投资协定的主要内容》(Key elements of the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment)里主要强调了以下部分:


As regards investment, the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) will be the most ambitious agreement that China has ever concluded with a third country.





The CAI will ensure that EU investors achieve better access to a fast growing 1.4 billion consumer market, and that they compete on a better level playing field in China. This is important for the global competitiveness and the future growth of EU industry.


完成谈判 conclude negotiations

领导人视频会晤 leaders meeting via video conference

市场准入 market access

知识产权 Intellectual Property

国有企业 State owned enterprises (SOEs)

