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Word of the Week

The COVID-19 Vaccine

Published in: 2021-01-05    Click on the quantity:



 The COVID-19 Vaccine





In a two-step vaccination drive, the COVID-19 vaccines will be given first to priority groups, including those engaged in handling imported cold-chain products and people working in exposed sectors such as port inspection and quarantine, ship pilotage, aviation, fresh market, public transport, medical treatment, and disease control. The vaccination program will also cover those who plan to work or study in countries and regions with medium or high risks of exposure to the virus.


Next, with COVID-19 vaccines officially approved to enter the market or the yield of vaccines improving steadily, China will put more vaccines into use, inoculating the eligible population as widely as possible.


More than one million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been distributed for emergency inoculation use since July. The emergency vaccinations were given to people with high exposure risks on the premise of voluntary, informed consent. After strict monitoring and observation, no serious adverse reactions took place.


If the vaccine's (performance) statistics reach the required standards, the medical products administration will approve it for the market, and then our vaccine will be produced and rolled out more quickly, because we have already prepared for mass production.


Usually, the vaccination units are located in health service centers, township clinics or general hospitals, local governments have been requested to publish information on vaccination services in a timely manner.


Others who have not been vaccinated for the time being need not worry. Wearing masks in public places, practicing social distance and washing hands are protective measures that have been proven to be very effective.



药品和疫苗研发   drug and vaccine development

随机试验         random trial

双盲试验         double-blind trial

安慰剂对照试验   placebo-controlled trial

免疫系统         immune system


