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The Ge'ermu-Ku'erle Railway fully opened for operation

Published in: 2020-12-15    Click on the quantity:

每周一词第162期- 格库铁路全线通车

The Ge'ermu-Ku'erle Railway fully opened for operation


格库铁路(Ge'ermu-Ku'erle Railway),是中国境内连接青海省海西蒙古族藏族自治州格尔木市和新疆维吾尔自治区巴音郭楞蒙古自治州首府库尔勒市的国铁Ⅰ级客货共线电气化铁路,是中国西北路网骨架的重要组成部分,被美誉为“大漠新丝路”。




The "Sky ladder" in West China: Railway between Ge'ermu and Ku'erle cleared for traffic


With the departure of the K9756 passenger train from Ku'erle to Yitunlake in the North-western Uyghur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang and the 32812 freight train from Ku'erle in Xinjiang to Ge'ermu in the neighboring province of Qinghai, on Wednesday, the new "transportation artery" through the desert between Ge'ermu and Ku'erle became operational and was cleared for traffic. This gives China a further transport link into and out of the remote desert areas of Xinjiang。





客货共线电气化铁路        Electric Passenger and freight railway

国铁Ⅰ级铁路              Class I railroad

路基                      subgrade

铁路铺架工程              railway laying project

涵洞                      culvert

箱形桥                    box bridge

塔克拉玛干沙漠            the Taklimakan Desert

无人区                    depopulated zone / no man's land

桥机                      bridge crane

浅埋隧道                  shallow tunnels / shallow-buried tunnels

地质结构                  geological structure

样板引路 标准先行  

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