China-Europe Railway Express
Published in: 2020-06-15 Click on the quantity:
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China-Europe Railway Express

中欧班列(China-Europe Railway Express)是指按照固定车次(fixed train)、线路 (line)、班期(schedule)和全程运行时刻(full operation time)开行,往来于中国与欧洲以及“一带一路”(Belt and Road)沿线各国的集装箱国际铁路联运班列(Container international rail freight train)。2016年6月8日,中国铁路(China Railways)正式启用中欧班列统一品牌。
中欧班列被誉为“新时代的陆上丝绸之路(Land Silk Road)”,班列的开行将原有“单一型商品买卖”有效转化成了“复合型商品联动贸易”(Compound commodity linkage trade),经过多年开行,其运费低、速度快、安全性高的特点日益凸显,开行意义早已上升到国家战略高度,对世界各地经济往来、地域文化交流有着显著的正向促进作用。疫情期间(Covid-19),中欧班列安全开行,在各大经济通道上持续担当“大动脉”(main artery)角色。
目前,中欧班列已累计开行超过2.1万列,通达欧洲大陆18个国家、57座城市。在开行数量持续提升的同时,开行质量也有很大提升。通关时间、物流时长进一步缩短,返程空箱率(rate of empty containers)在不断下降,货值呈增长趋势。
The spread of COVID-19 has incurred global traffic restrictions. As transportation is restricted at harbors and airports, China-Europe Railway Express have carried supplies such as masks, protective suits and ventilators to many countries.
China will continue to work with other parties to build a connectivity network centering on economic corridors such as the New Eurasian Land Bridge, supplemented by major transportation routes like the China-Europe Railway Express and the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor and information expressway, and reinforced by major railway, port and pipeline projects.
Supply of Medical Protection Materials
Belt and Road Initiative
multilateral free trade system
干线铁路 Main Line Railway
宽轨铁路 Broad Gauge Railway
大秦重载铁路 Datong-Qinhuangdao Heavy-haul Railway
青藏高原铁路 Qinghai-Tibet plateau railway
市郊铁路 Suburban Railway
复线修建 Double-track Construction
城市轨道交通 Urban Rail Transit
高铁“走出去”“Going-global” of High-speed Railway
智能交通系统 Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)