“Fifth Generation Wireless Systems Networks ”
Published in: 2018-12-12 Click on the quantity:
Word of the Week---
5G网络- Fifth Generation Wireless Systems Networks
5G网络,第五代移动通信网络(the 5th generation wireless systems networks),其峰值理论传输速度可达每秒数十Gb,这比4G网络的传输速度快数百倍,整部超高画质电影可在1秒之内下载完成。5G网络简称5G networks(the fifth generation networks),注意不能读作Five G。
从1G到4G,主要解决的是人与人之间的沟通,而5G将解决人与人之外的人与物、物与物之间的沟通,即万物互联(Internet of Everything, IoE)。5G是一个全新的通讯技术,具有高速率(high data rate)、大容量(high capacity)、低时延(short latency)的特性,这使得5G技术在物联网(Internet of Things)、智慧家居(smart home)、远程服务(remote service)、外场支援(field support)、虚拟现实(virtual reality)等领域有了新的应用。
Private companies are essential to this effort. For example, Alibaba, iFlytek, and others are pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence and Huawei is one of the world’s leading innovators in 5G.


智能手机 Smartphone
万物互联Internet of Everything, IoE
物联网 Internet of Things, IoT
流量套餐 data plan或data package
流量清零 reset data
流量转存 roll over data
流量用光 run out of data
信号不好 poor signal reception