Word of the Week---THAAD
Published in: 2017-04-12 Click on the quantity:
Word of the Week---THAAD
“萨德”,是指“末段高空区域防御系统”,英文为“Terminal High Altitude Area Defense”,缩写:THAAD,汉语音译为萨德。是美国导弹防御局和美国陆军隶下的陆基战区反弹道导弹系统,一般简称为萨德反导系统(THAADanti-missile system)。


1. THAAD poses the most serious military threat to China and Russia-it will enable the US to keep a close eye on the military activities of both China and Russia.
2.The deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile system will gravely harm the regional strategic balance and seriously undermine the security interests of relevant regional countries, including China, and is not favorable to safeguarding peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula.
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朝鲜半岛Korean Peninsula
军事威胁military threat
外交部发言人Foreign Ministry spokesman
大韩民国(韩国)Republic of Korea (ROK)