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Word of the Week

Word of the Week---Airpocalypse

Published in: 2017-04-12    Click on the quantity:

Word of the Week---Airpocalypse





2013年以来,我国多省连续出现雾霾天气,空气多处于严重污染状态。不少网友戏称,世界末日没来,“空气末日”却来了。近日,沈阳的PM2.5浓度(the concentration of PM2.5)达到了1107微克/立方米(micrograms per cubic mete),而我国的PM2.5国家安全标准(national safety level)75微克/立方米。为了应对严重污染的空气,不少家庭开始使用空气净化器(air purifier),出门时也会选择佩戴空气过滤口罩(air filtration face masks)。各地政府也采取措施限制公车(government vehicles)上路。


Airpocalypse, again. Thick smog will persist for the next five days in major cities in northeastern China that have seen extremely high air pollution readings since Nov 6



雾霾险 smog insurance

阅兵蓝 Parade Blue

环境污染 environmental pollution

大气污染治理 air pollution control

净化空气 purify the air

首要污染源 major pollution source

