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发表于: 2020-07-08    点击量:




10 Key Phrases in China’s COVID-19 Fight

【背景资料 Background

 抗击新冠病毒的中国方案主题网站四月发布《抗击新冠肺炎疫情的中国实践》(China's Fight Against COVID-19)中英双语报告,初步总结梳理过去一段时间中国抗击疫情的举措和方法,以期与国际社会携手应对共同威胁和挑战,共同维护全球公共卫生安全。该报告系由中国日报社中国观察智库,在采访征询 60 余位公共卫生专家和中外学者意见基础上,联合清华大学国情研究院、北京协和医学院卫生健康管理政策学院共同研究,初步梳理总结中国抗击疫情的经验和做法后形成。



【词义解析 Definition



Information release mechanism     


Information, including daily updates of confirmed cases, suspected cases and response policies, has been revealed to the public in a timely, transparent and accurate manner through various means such as press conferences held by the State Council Information Office, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council and local governments.



Avoid stigmatization


Viruses are a common challenge faced by the entire human race. The novel coronavirus was named SARS-CoV-2 and the relevant disease was named as COVID-19 according to international guidelines of avoiding association between viruses or infectious diseases with any geographic locations, cultures or groups of people.



High-, medium- and low-risk areas     


Cities, counties and districts with no active cases or with no new infections in the past 14 days are categorized as low-risk regions; those with new infections in the past 14 days and fewer than 50 cumulative confirmed cases, or with over 50 cumulative confirmed cases but without a concentrated outbreak in the past 14 days are categorized as medium-risk regions; those with over 50 cumulative confirmed cases and a concentrated outbreak in the past 14 days are categorized as high-risk regions.





Since the outbreak, Chinese people have carried out self-quarantine, cut non-essential travel and stayed at home as much as possible to prevent cross-infection. Close contacts of confirmed cases should observe strict centralized quarantine or home quarantine for at least 14 days to see if there is any infection.



Social distancing     


In public places, people should keep about 2 meters away from each other to protect themselves from possible infection. People are encouraged to wear a mask in public and avoid crowds or meal gatherings.     



Health QR code     


Based on information people voluntarily offer, a mobile app could generate a health QR code with different colors: Green code means little chance of having been infected, while holders of yellow and red codes must be put under quarantine for a few days and report their health information daily before they are cleared for travel again. The health QR code system was first adopted in Hangzhou city of Zhejiang province, and then expanded to other Chinese cities.     



Admitting all suspected and confirmed cases for treatment    


President Xi Jinping stressed that all-out efforts should be made to admit all suspected and confirmed cases for treatment, raise the hospital admission rate and the recovery rate, and lower the infection rate and the fatality rate.     



Massive screening of potential virus carriers     


With the principle of saving every life, community-based screening was carried out in key regions such as Wuhan to identify all confirmed infections, suspected cases and close contacts. Patients and people at high risk would be sent to proper medical institutions for timely treatment and to reduce the risk of further spread of the virus.



Asymptomatic patients     


People who display no relevant symptoms such as fever, cough or sore throat, but test positive for the novel coronavirus. A very small number of asymptomatic cases develop into confirmed infections, but most recover on their own.     



Fangcang shelter hospitals     


Also known as mobile cabin hospitals. Under the principle of leaving no one untreated, sports stadiums and convention centers were quickly converted to mobile cabin hospitals to treat patients with mild symptoms.


(英文来源:China Daily










